1) Easter Pictures – We have been so lucky the past 2 years to have Brooke Boyer Photography take Miss H’s photos. She took her pics this week and they are so stunning. Miss H wasn’t super impressed, but I loved how they turned out. Can we look back and Baby Hattie and have an exploding ovary moment?
And that was her 2nd Easter! What a difference a year makes! My baby is getting so grown up! Both of the dresses are Eleanor Rose Easter Bunny Dresses.
2)Adult Easter Egg Hunt – For the past couple of years our group of friends have been getting together to host an flashlight egg hunt on the quest for booze. Our husbands hide the eggs all over our friends yard and make some impossible to find and stand and laugh at us.
This year Becky found these jumbo eggs and hit sneaky treats in them. We like egg hunting so much, we do it in 2 waves. It’s so fun running around like 5 year olds in the cold with flash lights. You should do it, it’s fun!
Meghan says
Well you sure do know how to pick beautiful Easter dresses! You are making me wish I could dress a little girl! Have a wonderful weekend!
Beautiful Easter dresses!
oh and we may have to start the "booze" egg hunt next year! Great idea!!
I must do a flashlight booze hunt next year! That sounds like a blast!!
The adult Easter egg hunt looks like so much fun!
Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts
I SO want to do an adult hunt next year!! Do you know where she got those eggs? (I will hunt them down!) Have a great weekend!
Oh she is just gorgeous! Don't you just love comparing pictures. They grow so much. Also that adult egg hunt sounds like a blast!
Those Easter pictures are precious!! What a fun tradition. I have a niece named Eleanor Rose so I'm going to have to check out that clothing line. I love those bunny dresses 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful, Easter weekend with your cute family!
Gorgeous Easter pictures. It's amazing how much she's changed in a year. I love the idea of an adult Easter egg hunt. Looks like a blast.
That egg hunt looks like a blast! So funny. I want in on the action!
Hattie's dresses… Oh my cuteness! I'll definitely be doing something like this next year or perhaps for her upcoming birthday!
Have a great week!
Loving your loves! And I keep hearing about this new Starbucks drink!! I need to try!