The time has come for our bi-annual No Buy Challenge. We do this in January and in July as a way to reset and refocus on spending habits, evaluate what we have in our home, use what we have, and de-clutter and donate the rest. We live in an time where fast fashion is king, Starbucks drive-thru is far too convenient, the Target Dollar Spot always has something you want. If you’re like me, you could really scale back the spending.
I’m here to day to give you the rules of the No Buy Challenge and to give you a helpful guide to help you attain the goal. If you need even more support, join our No Buy Challenge Facebook Group for daily support and encouragement!
Why No Spend Challenge
I’m super guilty of frivolous spending and after the holidays my checkbook needs a break. I created this no spend challenge 2 years ago in hopes to help others who felt the same way. Sometimes our gift giving hearts are bigger than our checking accounts and we just need a little reminder to reel it back in. The challenge helps you set your new year up for success and helps gain new perspective for the new year.
- Take the Month off from Frivolous Shopping – No Amazon, Target Runs, Facebook & Instagram Ads
- No Shopping for Clothes, Toys, Household Items
- Start Wearing and Using What You Have
- Organize Your Closet for New Outfits
- Empty your Pantry for New Creative Dinner Ideas
- Donate What You Don’t Need
Of course, use your best judgement, but here are some exceptions that have come up in previous years:
- Birthday Gifts/Birthday Parties – if you need a gift, get a gift. I wouldn’t call that frivolous
- If you have gift cards for restaurants – use them! I feel like that’s your loop hole to use up something in your home!
- If you are on the go and eat out a lot, use your best judgement and perhaps cut back your dining out.
- Coffee – This is a biggie for me. I can’t leave the house without getting and iced coffee – but perhaps try to cut back and make a few at home instead?
- Empties – If there is a product you use on a regular basis and you happen to run out during that time (ex shampoo, foundation, deodorant) go ahead and replace.
Goals of Challenge
- To Save Money – This is a no brainer, spending no money = extra money in your pocket! Save this for a big expenditure like a trip, renovation or pay towards debt. All great options!
- Evaluate What You Have In Your Home – Sometimes you have so much clutter and stuff that you don’t realize what you already have. Anyone guilty of buying the same things over and over? Me, I have a small collection of navy cardigans all because I didn’t evaluate what I already had!
- Organize Key Areas In Your Home – Take this opportunity to organize key areas of your home. Perhaps a tables, drawers or that chair in your bedroom with clothes piled on it.
- Donate What You Don’t Need – Donate to a charity of your choice and reap those tax deductions!
- Get Inspiration For New Outfits from Your Closet – Set those black leggings and grey sweatshirts aside and let’s actually dive into your closet! You have style, let’s create new looks.
- Create New Dinner Ideas – Let’s come up with some new dinner ideas as we clean out the pantry, and refrigerator. Pinterest is a great resource for this – let’s get creative!
- Evaluate Subscriptions Services – Look into where your money is being auto-deducted and evaluate if it’s something you need. You may end up with an 50lb bag of dog food 2 months before you were ready for one like me! Those hidden auto deductions can really add up.
Ready to Dive In?
Are you ready to go for it? January 1st, we’re getting started, but this monthly spend sheet can be used for any month! Print out your challenge sheet, keep it in a safe place and join our Facebook Group for more fun!
What are you most looking to get out of a no spend challenge?